Tamil Cooking Recipe


rikay;: kzpkhwd;


Author: Manimaran
Viewed: 9808 Times
Added: 7/2/2008


Njitahd nghUl;fs;

xd;wiu fg; GOq;fy; my;yJ gr;rpuprp ( 2 NgUf;F Njitahd msT )
ey;nyz;iz - 3 Nki[f;fuz;b
Gsp Ng];l; - 2 Nki[f;fuz;b
kQ;rs; - miu Njf;fuz;b
fha;e;j kpsfha; - 3
fLF - 1 Njf;fuz;b
cSe;J - miu Njf;fuz;b
fwpNtg;gpiy - xU rpW nfhj;J
nfhj;jky;yp ,iy - xU rpW nfhj;J
cg;G - Njitahd msT
mupiria ciyapy; nfhjpf;f itj;J rhjj;ij jdpahf tbj;Jf;nfhs;sTk;.


Gsp Ng];il miu fg; jz;zPupy; fiuj;Jf;nfhs;sTk;.

xU ngupa thzypapy; ey;nyz;izia Rlitf;fTk;.

vz;iz fha;e;jTld; fwpNtg;gpiy fha;e;j kpsfha;
fLF cSe;J Nghl;L jhspf;fTk;.

gpd;du; Gsp fiury; kQ;rs; Jhs; cg;G Nru;j;J xU
epkplk; Ntfitf;fTk;.

tbj;J itj;j Nrhw;iw thzypapy; Nghl;L fpsuTk;.

filrpapy; nfhj;jky;yp ,iyapl;L myq;fupf;fTk;.

thzypia xU ngupa jl;L itj;J 2 epkplk; %lTk;.

Rit kpFe;j GspNahjiu jahu;.


1. One and Half Cup of Raw Rice
( Approximately required for 2 persons).
2. 3 Tablespoon of Gingelly Oil or
Sunflower Oil ( Gingelly Oil will increase the taste).
3. A small ball of Tamarind
(Approx. a medium size lemon) or
2 Tablespoon of Tamarind Paste.
4. Half Teaspoon of Turmeric Powder.
5. 3 Dried Chilli.
6. 1 Teaspoon of Mustard (for seasoning).
7. Half Teaspoon of Black Gram(Urad dhall for seasoninig).
8. 8-10 Curry Leaves.
9. Small Bunch of Coriander Leaves
9. Salt to taste.

Cooking Method

Boil the rice in water and prepare cooked rice
as usual and set it aside.

Mix 2 Tablespoon of Tamarind paste with half
glass of water and set it aside.

Heat up a large pan and Add 3 Tablespoon of
Gingelly Oil.

Put Curry leaves, Dried Chilli, Mustard,
Black Gram in the Hot Oil, wait till they
are fried medium.

Add Tamarind paste water, Turmeric powder,
Half Teaspoon of salt and mix well for 1 minute.
This is the puliyodharai paste.

Now Add the cooked rice in the pan and mix well
thoroughly with the oily puliyodharai paste such
that all the rice are coated with the Puliyodharai paste.

Garnish with some Coriander Leaves.

Reduce the heat to Low and cover the pan with
lid. And warm the rice for 2 minutes.

Tasty Puliyodharai is ready.

cq;fs; rikay; Fwpg;Gfis ,q;Nf gjpT nra;aTk;

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